What are the designs you must include on your website’s homepage?

The website’s homepage serves as the point of attraction for dragging the visitors to the site; that’s why the website’s homepage must be attractive and informative at the same time because a third-party visiting the site is not here to appreciate the design only but to gather the required information. So, in all honesty, the visitor should get the exact idea about your business o products just by seeing the site’s homepage alone.
To your knowledge, let us look at some of the critical points that are essential to add to the site’s homepage, so while briefing the website designing company in India, you will have a clear mind of what you want.
1. Headlines & sub-headlines
The headlines are the most critical part of the content as they tell the reader briefly what they have dived themselves into, plus the headlines must be crisp & short.
The sub-headings are the supplements of the prime headlines. Most of the time, sub-headings are mostly one word, just enough for the reader to facilitate reading the below content.
Now that you have finally understood what role does headings & sub-headings play, now is the time to optimize those headings & some of the ways are:
· Use smaller fonts for sub-headings & bigger for headings.
· It would be best to name the headings as H1 & the rest as H2, H3, and H4 & keep going. By naming the headings, it will be easier for you to differentiate.
· You can use colors or bold them to make them look attractive & noticeable.
2. Images
Being visually appealing is the key, whether it’s the human of the website homepage. By seeing the information written all over, the visitor might feel bored & pain in his eyes. Instead, you have to choose another form of content such as images & videos, as both effectively deliver the message right.
The image you’re using must not be crowded & also, by looking at the picture, the reader should have an exact idea about what the picture wants to tell. Otherwise, there is no point in using it. Also, the same precautions go with the videos as well. The uploaded videos must be short & informative.
Image optimization is mandatory & for that, you have to use a high-quality image with the reduced file size to avoid blunders.
3. Navigation
Navigation is one of the essential parts of website designing because the navigation makes sure that the site is accessible and usable. The prime purpose of navigation is to realize the visitor’s current position & navigate it to its destination & also makes ease the work of searchers.
Since it’s already been discussed that adding navigations is compulsory, have we discussed the excellent navigation features? Not yet. Then keep your focus on the below-written points.
- Put the navigation in a prominent place.
- Don’t forget to include the footer.
- The navigations must be connected.
- Preferably use lesser words.
- The site’s navigation should work 100% on smartphones also.
4. Product, services & benefits
Explaining the products & services is nothing new to you can make it more valuable by adding the product’s utility.
Suppose, if you’re scrolling an e-commerce site, you must have noticed that just below the product details, you’re served with its uses. Now, that’s a smart business move, where you don’t allow a moment o think about the product & instantly, the visitor is converted into a buyer.
For example, imagine you’re the client visiting a third-party site, say an e-commerce site, scrolling the trimmer section. So by seeing the product itself, the first question arises in your mind that what is the trimmer’s (product’s) utility? If it’s a good business site, then it will not give time to the client to think about the product utility & present the answer to the client before head.
This way, you will be gaining the client’s trust by presenting yourself as relatable.
5. Content offers
Content offer is when you offer visitors high-value content & in return, you get valuable information like their name, e-mail, contact number & more.
Content offers must be mandatorily present on the homepage because these are the prime source of generating leading & also a smart way to convert your site’s visitors into clients. Content offers are the hidden gems of marketing & sales.